The Mattriarchy
I was a guest last week on an episode of the “Mattriarchy.” Click on over and have a listen as we talk about web comics, Comic Genesis, the good old days and getting older.
I was a guest last week on an episode of the “Mattriarchy.” Click on over and have a listen as we talk about web comics, Comic Genesis, the good old days and getting older.
If you enjoy reading Out at Five and would like to support my artistic endeavors, listen up. Yesterday, I posted the first comic in a new storyline on However, you can read it the WHOLE story — all 27 comics — in advance, if you donate $5 or more to my comic via PayPal.
How? Simple — I had the new story-line printed up with I got my first sample copy over the weekend, and it looks nice! Now, you can read the whole story whenever you like, in full dead-tree resolution, with no load times whatsoever.
Want your own copy? Click the button on the right and donate $5 or more, along with your mailing address, and I’ll have Ka-Blam send one to you! If you don’t mind waiting, don’t worry — all the comics will eventually find their way online. However, if you like my comic, please consider making a donation. (Because ink and bristol board aren’t free!)
I’ve been getting a little impatient with the progression of my comic, so I decided that I’ve been drawing enough to kick things up a notch. From now on,the comic will be updating TWICE every week, with new comics every Monday and Friday. Yes, that’s twice as much Out at Five for the same low price. Stop on by to start and end your workweek right!
Oh, hi! Did you just drop in? Well, welcome. Out at Five is a comic featuring characters of mine who have been around a while, and I just recently started drawing after a long hiatus. The story has picked up five years after certain events took place. You may want to consider a few options before diving right in.
Happy reading!