My name’s Matt Johnson, and I’ve been drawing comics online since I graduated from college in 2002. My endeavors eventually took me to Comic Genesis, where I made several great friends and learned a lot about making comics through the daily grind of creating my first regular web comic, Cortland, every weekday. Together we had several comic meet-ups in St. Louis, Toronto, Minneapolis, Nashville, and even London, England. (We also held a comic meetup in our own home in Omaha, playing host to eleven or so other cool comic peeps.)
I’ve since gotten married and settled down in Omaha. I’m a graphic designer, and I use all the crazy experiences from my previous life to create Out at Five, which ran between March 16, 2009 and December 9, 2011. I took a bit of a hiatus from the comic when our little daughter Hannah was born in 2011, and then I started drawing sometime in 2014, shortly after our son was born.
If you want to contact me, the easiest way is email. You can also comment on comics right here on the site, so give it a try! Feedback keeps me motivated. ^_^
Hi Matt,
Great series of comics. By the way, Two year olds make a great subject for a comic series.
Thanks for doing Out at Five and Cortland.
Wow, thanks for the kind words, Bob. I certainly hope you’re right.
I just finished reading ‘Out at Five’ after finishing ‘Cortland’. Bravo, sir!