I gave up Facebook for Lent. That didn’t mean the updates stopped, though. Hope you’re enjoying them.
I gave up Facebook for Lent. That didn’t mean the updates stopped, though. Hope you’re enjoying them.
I’ve been getting a little impatient with the progression of my comic, so I decided that I’ve been drawing enough to kick things up a notch. From now on,the comic will be updating TWICE every week, with new comics every Monday and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If you enjoy reading Out at Five and would like to support my artistic endeavors, listen up. Yesterday, I posted the first comic in a new storyline on outatfive.com. However, you can read it the WHOLE story — all 27[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I was a guest last week on an episode of the “Mattriarchy.” Click on over and have a listen as we talk about web comics, Comic Genesis, the good old days and getting older.
In case you missed it, here’s my appearance on the Mattriarchy talking comics, politics, and running out of things to say last Thursday.
Out at Five is nearly back to the present, with a new story line that will start things off relatively fresh! Feel free to dig into the archives, if you like, but the new beginning starts here. One unique aspect[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hi everybody! I’ll be live on the “Mattriarchy” once again Thursday, Dec. 12 at 8 PM CST. Tune in live or catch up later.
I was a guest again on The Mattriarchy with Mat Rhys and a panel of other comic creators — Tim Lim, Mattt Crotts, Twitless, and Douglas Ernst. The topic of the evening was “Christianity In Comics — What It Is,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hi, folks! I’m going to be a guest again on the Mattriarchy this weekend at 8 PM Central. Tune in!